The Gilded Knob invites you to our March date auction, the Spring Fling! Come bid on our lovely staff to win a two hour date with them! The date may consist of RP, ERP*, dungeon grinding, crafting/gathering, raiding content, and so much more! Don't miss your chance to spend some quality one on one time with the GK staff.
*Not all GK staff will be up for ERP options. Please be sure to double check if the person you wish to bid on allows ERP or not. There will be strictly no ERP for Lalafells. Don't lewd the Lala.
Thursday, March the 18th
Auction begins at 08:00 pm CST
Hosted on the GK Mansion Lawn
Plot 15, 17th Ward, The Mists, Malboro
3 Winning Bids per Patron Maximum
250k Minimum Starting Bid
Below is a gallery of all of the staff that will be available for purchase the day of the auction!
Be sure to click their images to learn more information on what they are offering.